How Do I Place My Order?
To place your order, follow these steps:
Browse through our wide catalogue of products until you find something you like and click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button.
- In ‘My cart’, you can either choose to continue shopping or confirm the order
- To proceed, you can either log into your existing The Tender Curve account or simply continue as a ‘New User’ and create one.
- Once this is all set, proceed to checkout, confirm your shipping address, select the desired payment method, and confirm your order.
How Will I Receive My Order?
We have tie ups with reputed courier companies, so your orders will be delivered right to your doorstep. All orders will be delivered in fully sealed packages to protect your goods and ensure that they reach you in perfect condition.
How Can I Track My Orders?
After logging into your account, the status of your checkout history can be found under Track Orders. You can simply enter your AWB number or Order number.Â
How Long Will It Take For My Order To Arrive After I Make Payment?
You will receive your orders within 4Â to 7 working days upon payment verification. If you experience delays in receiving your order, contact us immediately and we will help to confirm the status of your order.
What Are The Payment Methods Available?
At the moment, we only accept Credit/Debit cards and Paypal/GPay payments.
Do You Have Cash On Delivery (Cod) Option?
No we do not have a Cash On Delivery option.
What Happens If There's Been A Delivery Mishap To My Order?
We take such matters very seriously and will look into individual cases thoroughly. Any sample that falls under the below categories should not be thrown away before taking photo proof and emailing the photo of the affected sample and your D.O (Delivery Order) to us at hello@thetendercurve.comÂ
In the event of damaged products received, we will require photo proof of the affected samples and your D.O (Delivery Order) in order for us to investigate and review before a decision is made to resend the product to you at no cost, subject to availability. In light of this, if any sample that falls into this category should not be thrown away before taking photo proof and emailing the photo to us at hello@thetendercurve.comÂ
Please note that we won’t be able to take responsibility for goods damaged in transit.
What Is The Return And Exchange Policy?
To know more about our returns policy please head to our Shipping and Returns page.
Can I Purchase Gift Vouchers?
Yes. Please head to the Gift Vouchers page to know more in detail.
How Do I Get In Touch?
You can write to us at hello@thetendercurve.com or call us on  +91 9004400093
Do You Take Bulk Orders?
Yes, We do. Head onto our contact page and fill out the form. Our team will get in touch soon.
Where Do I Use A Coupon Code?
Add product/s to your cart and proceed to check out, and enter the voucher code in the coupon code section.